In this episode of “POTENTIALS . . . Envisioning the New Millennium,” host Barbara Marx Hubbard engages the prolific author & researcher of alternative futures and humanistic psychology, in wide ranging conversation as they explore America’s mystical heritage, psi phenomena and his leadership of the Institute of Noetic Sciences. This is a deeply thoughtful episode.
Willis Harman was President of the Institute of Noetic Sciences in California. The Institute is a nonprofit research and educational organization founded in 1973. Its purpose is to expand knowledge of the nature and potentials of the mind, and apply that knowledge to the advancement of health and well-being for humankind and the planet.
For 16 years prior to assuming that post, he was a Senior Social Scientist at SRI International. He initiated a program on futures research, exploring the national and global future. In this capacity he worked on long-term strategic planning and policy analysis for an assortment of corporations, government agencies, and international organizations.
Harman was also emeritus professor of Engineering-Economic Systems at Stanford University and a member of the Board of Regents of the University of California.
Harman received a BS degree in Electrical Engineering from the University of Washington and an MS in Physics and Ph.D. in Electrical Engineering from Stanford University. He taught for several years at the University of Florida before joining the Stanford faculty in 1952. He was a Fulbright lecturer on statistical communication theory at the Royal Technical University.
Dr. Harman was the author of numerous texts and papers in various aspects of electrical and systems engineering, futures research, social policy and analysis, and the current societal transition.
Dr. Harman died January 30, 1997.
For further information please contact:
Institute of Noetic Sciences
P.O. Box 909
Sausilito CA 94966
Phone: 415-331-5650